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ESO-172 - 15-man Saturation System


Direct from Sellers we are pleased to offer this 300 MSW rated 15-man saturation diving system available for sale ex-Singapore.

• 15 man capacity 3 men bell modular design unit with a 300 MSW capability.
• Designed for ease of mobilization and consists of thirteen lifts.
• Dive Control and Saturation Control Rooms are combined in one unit to minimize the footprint.
• Life Support Machinery is contained within a single unit to further minimize the footprint.
• Comprises three living chambers connected to a single transfer chamber.
• HRC for diver evacuation with custom built Emergency Control
• Bell LARS is hydraulically powered; however bell and MBU winches have air driven motors which can be manually clutched in should of either of the two hydraulic power packs or the hydraulic motors fail.

System Weight: Total: 259.49

See downloadable brochure for full details.

Location: Singapore

Download Specification:

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